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2006-03-24 - hi?
2005-09-16 - Confession
2005-09-15 - written sept 14-15 in a haze of emotions
2005-08-15 - Feelings, nothing more than feelings
2005-08-02 - Ding ding. Congratulations: You're going down.
2005-07-30 - rhap
2005-07-08 - baby it's cold outside
2005-06-23 - Ripping
2005-06-20 - Floatation Device
2005-06-19 - Ripped up by the roots, again
2005-06-16 - Oprah and her behind
2005-06-16 - C'est la vie
2005-05-24 - Muchly early
2005-05-17 - Surprise
2005-05-11 - i'd never tell that i missed you
2005-04-24 - Mother dear
2005-04-22 - primal instinct
2005-04-16 - Half moon brings out the crazies
2005-04-14 - Stack it

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